

Europe version

Why jExacter

© Witold Kossowski, 2009

jExacter, written in Java, is an application of high precision calculus.

*** The precision is adjustable within the limit of 1 - 240 significant digits (30 by default).

*** The user can choose a System Keyboard (48 standard functions) as well as the Private one (with 48 customizable keys, see Read Me).

*** Every "private" button can be titled and linked to any formula entered by the operator at any moment and for permanent using.

*** Calculation is carried out starting from the formula of the length limited to 248 characters.

*** The formula, written in natural notation, is built of operators (max.73), constants and variables.

*** The syntax of the formula is verified and all error is interpreted.

*** The compilation of the formula is followed by the optimization of the calculus.

*** Incremental (for any number of variables with different incrementation values ) as well as recurrent calculus are possible.

*** The formula, as well as any argument can be modified by the user at any moment.

*** jExacter makes the direct access to any variable.

*** Any argument can be entered in fixed or scientific format.

*** In the case of periodic number, the use of the parentheses is authorized, e.g. 1,0(53) that corresponds to 1,053535353… .

*** Every entered argument is tested and all error is interpreted.

*** The largest/smallest accepted number is 1e±

*** "Infinity", "NaN" (Not a Number), "TLN" (Too Large Number, i.e. a number > 1e+ and inferior to Infinity) can be entered and displayed as a result and correctly treated as an itermediate result in any context.

*** There are two predefined values, e and pi.

*** The operator has a direct access to the Help file which, among others, contains the presentation of all functions. The access to the Help file is free at any moment, and one can add his own remarks to the text.

*** The operator has at his disposal another editable system file called FORMULA FILE ("formfile"), as well as the file CONSTANTS where any constant (with or without its name and possible comments) may be registered.

*** According to the run mode chosen, the calculation may be followed by a Report containing a list of arguments and all intermediate results in chronological order.

*** A Find function was added to the Report window, as the report might be very large, especially in the case of the list of primes in some range (exemple : pra[0;10000000] gives all primes from 0 to 10 millions, e.g. 664579 primes organized in 65033 report lines).

*** Every file controlled by jExacter can be printed directly from the File menu.

*** The formula, the arguments, the result, the precision level as well as the report never disappear from the screen. When moving from one window to another, the window colors change, so the user is never lost in his action.

*** In the set of operators, one can find a division modulo as the rest of division by a real number, nth root, a logarithm with any base, a product of all successive numbers of any range, number format conversion (between any bases in the range 2...16), liste of all primes from the range[a..b], nth prime, etc.

*** The use of a special variable name "me" (memory) is authorized. The operator enters the value of "me" before the first run, and at every successive execution "me" takes the value of the last result. This enables the recursive computation.

*** Besides, jExacter has a simple and direct mode of calculation called CASH REGISTER that enables a continuous addition of numbers, products, percents and divisions (precision limited to 25 digits) with the control of the syntax of arguments and operations.

*** Supports copy / paste / cut / Save As / etc.

*** The execution time is measured and displayed.




+        addition
-        subtraction
*        multiplication
/        division
div      division (no remainder)
inv      inversion
mod      division modulo
gcd      greatest common divisor
^        power
abs      absolute value
int      integer part
inr      the nearest integer
dec      fractional part
!        factorial
pro      product  from ... thru ...

max      max. of 2 numbers
min      min. of 2 numbers
mo       increment
bas      conversion of the base-n to the base-m in the range [2..16]

r        nth root
r2       square root
ln       natural logarithm
lg2      binary logarithm
log      decimal logarithm
lg       any base logarithm

rd       degrees => radians
deg      radians => degrees
sn       sine
cn       cosine
tg       tangent
cg       cotangent
asn      anti-sine
acn      anti-cosine
atg      anti-tangent
acg      anti-cotangent

sh       hyperbolic sine
ch       hyperbolic cosine
ht       hyperbolic tangent
hc       hyperbolic cotangent
ash      hyperbolic anti-sine
ach      hyperbolic anti-cosine
aht      hyperbolic anti-tangent
ahc      hyperbolic anti-cotangent


pra      list of all primes from the range  [n..m]
prn      value of nth prime number
prx      prime number  nearest to x,   x : real
pr1      Is number  "i" a prime ?  (otherwise the list of all prime divisors)
pr2      list of all common prime divisors of two numbers 




Warranty This software is offered "as is" without warranty of any kind. In no event shall the author be liable for incidental or consequential damages, including but not limited to loss of use, loss of revenue or profit, loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate, or losses sustained by third parties even if the authors have been advised of the possibilities of such damages.


Technical Support Sorry, no support or help is available, but please send any comments or "bug" reports via email to: